sMs 2004-01-26 11:10 infernal and multifate go see this web page link about explorer hacking
inf3rnal 2004-01-26 07:26 sMs can you tell me how to let my explorer look like yours please
ArthurDent 2004-01-26 06:04 peruser: It uses about 1/10th the memory that the default w2k shell does, looks better and is easier to use.
peruser 2004-01-26 05:58 somebody convince me to use this on w2k. It's been an absolute wonder using it on freebsd
multifate 2004-01-25 19:55 tell me how you did it ;p
sMs 2004-01-25 16:22 yeap explorer hacekd
NC-17 2004-01-25 07:28 multifate: i believe he uses a hacked explorer.exe or something
multifate 2004-01-25 06:55 sMs: what file browser do you use?
NC-17 2004-01-25 05:41 sMs: although, some of the stuff done to stop bb hanging a bit might have done the trick... hmmm maybe yeah.
NC-17 2004-01-25 05:37 sMs: well i won't be surprised if the black spot comes back, because i didn't really touch anything to do with painting and that... eheh