NC-17 2004-01-29 12:11 moose: generally, yes.
dworphius 2004-01-29 12:10 what do i have to download to get bb4win to work?
sicle9 2004-01-29 11:55 use bbleanskin or bbwinskin
moose 2004-01-29 11:31 how do I get the windows to look like they do in the screenshots?
moose 2004-01-29 11:20 Are all you people that are making these styles using windows?
qwilk 2004-01-29 09:30 Tip: Rainlendar link works fine under *box too, check it out!
auto 2004-01-29 01:43 hopefully with a new xoblite release to match the new server =x
qwilk 2004-01-29 00:05 ...in case any of you were wondering, desktopian.org (including dto/bb and the plugin list) is being moved to a new server, but it'll be up again soon!
multifate 2004-01-26 14:37 danke schone
inf3rnal 2004-01-26 14:24 thank you a lot sMs