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2004-02-02 17:55
I seems like I cant upload a screenshot :/

2004-02-02 17:21
oh yeah and i just updated to the newest nightly (both BB and BBSB)....... i sure miss the right click to minimize windows instead of the menu...

2004-02-02 17:13
i meant to say "it is" not "is it is"

2004-02-02 17:12
is it is linked to the toolbar, and the toolbar is transparent. But I already turned off transparency for BBSB from the right-click menu

2004-02-02 10:39
jeff: do you have it linked to the toolbar? if the toolbar is transparent it will also be then. do you have the latest? maybe email me your rc file.

2004-02-02 08:59
ok another thing....... the bbsystembar... i have set it to not use transparency, but when I reconfigure BB, the BBSB becomes transparent. Also, it does this after running Warcraft: TFT. Wondering if it's something in the .rc i need to change or is it a bug?

Lord Captain Kirk
2004-02-01 05:54
BB4Win rules! So many awesome plugins and cool styles! Thanks for this wonderful website and programs! I love it !!!

2004-01-31 09:28
ok thanks

2004-01-31 07:57
that's fixed for the next release.

2004-01-31 07:18
a problem with bbwinskin 1.1.... In explorer, the icons at the top left of the titlebar popup when i click on folders....... understand what I'm talking about? i could make an ss, but nowhere to upload it...

© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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