matt 2004-01-30 10:32 that's a side effect of "fake" transparency. Maybe nivenh's console supports facke transparency. Check link
ArthurDent 2004-01-30 09:50 Speaking of transparency, does anybody know of anything like the old *nix terminal programs that would just display a tinted fragment of your background rather than the windows behind it like you'd get in windows?
moose 2004-01-30 08:58 Where do I add the bro@ms
file things?
multifate 2004-01-30 02:51 moose: it only works on 2k/xp
bladestaylor 2004-01-29 23:14 moose: bbtrans forum thread:
also, you have to make your own rc
moose 2004-01-29 22:00 I did what you said to do but my windows arn't transparent.
please help me
moose 2004-01-29 21:51 where is the BBTrans.rc file?
Thoraxium 2004-01-29 18:48 Oh yeah, and you can replace the keys with whatever you want...I can't type capital 'n' without hitting caps =)
Thoraxium 2004-01-29 18:47 to make the windows transparent with BBTrans, add the line
"KeyToGrab(N), WithModifier(Shift), WithAction(ExecCommand), DoThis(
@BBTrans.WindowToggle)" to your BBKeys.rc file, as well as the line "plugins\BBTrans\BBTrans.dll" to plugins.rc...*this doesn't seem to work with BBLean, but its wonderful on BB4Win
qwilk 2004-01-29 16:26 ...I haven't used it in a while, but I thought BBTrans could make normal windows transparent? -> link