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2004-01-04 03:07
A Taste of Things to Come

2004-01-03 20:30
Now that I have groovy 14-year-old made icons (GANT) plastered all up in my shell32 and what not, I get all the ladies. . .wierd. . .

2004-01-03 13:59
yup it works thanks freeb0rn. except logging off then on didn't work. a restart was required. =)

2004-01-03 13:53
bobby: well..... personally i prefer bb4win more =) and freeb0rn thanks i'll try it now

2004-01-03 13:01
Hey Jeff, I was thinking about trying out lightstep, was it any good?

2004-01-03 10:37
sounds like a messed up registry setting, where the Shell for the current user is BB but the shell for All Users isnt (for some reason these settings cause malfunctions). Try running blackbox from the commandline/run box again witht he -install switch, ala: "c:\\blackbox.exe" -install then loggingoff/on again. Also make sure you have loaded the BBDDE plugin. Other than that, i have no clue. Sorry.

2004-01-03 08:46
hey, wondering if anybody could help me. i had just uninstalled litestep after trying it, and now whenver i try to open explorer, the explorer shell starts, and i get an error when trying to open My Computer from bbicons... any ideas?

2004-01-03 06:27
Hey, happy new year, freeb0rn! Kali xronia!

2004-01-02 19:59
Im going to upload my last submission again, made the mistake of uploading the wallpaper instead of the ss, yeah im ok.....

2004-01-02 11:51
i'mmm baaack! happy new year to you all!

© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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