captain 2003-12-29 11:59 new style submissions are REALLY slow since christmas :(
sMs 2003-12-27 17:39 well i think u can do all those options with ur new 2.1
sMs 2003-12-27 17:31 oh yeah? in menus? or i have to look into rc? mmm well i gonna look for that using ur latest built mmm but i think the tasks are raised right?
bladestaylor 2003-12-27 15:37 i have that already...choose borders/no-borders, 1px between tasks, choose PR for inactive tasks, and set active task in style, change height/width/position, and lock position. =)
sMs 2003-12-27 10:58 my perfect systemabr will be, when text mode no borders! only one vertical line to separate task, when icon mode just like systembar from bblean, taking height from toolbar (automatic) and icons also (automatic) and nice flat gradient active task, and possibility to change widht and height and also put it everywhere and it should stay =) wish i knew how to code to help u, but i m a loser =)
bladestaylor 2003-12-26 23:22 hmm..just noticed the sunken gradient now on active task for icon-only...i actually just added something like that the other day to (bb)sbex. you select iconized-only and force inactive tasks to all be parent-relative and it looks the same. 2.1 will be optimized for bblean 1.10.
sMs 2003-12-26 20:09 sorry for too many chating, ey bladestaylor have u tried bblean? if u do, have u seen its systembar, when it s on icontask mode, it looks pretty cool
sMs 2003-12-26 20:02 well bladestaylor, the tasbkarsize icon works only if u change the systraeiconsize, mayb for next version when selecting iconized only eliminate raised texture, flat looks better well think, anyways nice work on ur systembarex
bladestaylor 2003-12-26 19:17 sMs: if you use icon-only, it uses the tray icon size, so it fits nicely in the bar's height...so maybe that's it. (i changed it back to the task size for 2.1, though.)
sMs 2003-12-26 17:12 mayb i need to choose same size for both (icon tasks and icon systray) i m gonna try again, and let it know