cthu1hu 2003-12-26 01:22 have you tried bbsbex ? the height is configurable
sMs 2003-12-25 20:56 i gonna try to load the bb;lean systembar, hope it works. u do excellent work btw, well all u guys on dvteams, thanx for making blackbox better and better
NC-17 2003-12-25 20:18 u might be able to use bblean bbsb yes... but its on my long list of things that could be added to bbsb. but i dont know from no on when i will have time to do them...
sMs 2003-12-25 19:47 the systembar for bblean i liked it cuz the systray and the icontask get smaller using the toolbar height, can i use the systembar for bblean to the latest blackbox4win builts?
sMs 2003-12-25 18:53 when selecting icon mode (icontask)
sMs 2003-12-25 18:29 a suggetsion for systembar: inherit toolbar height possibility
cthu1hu 2003-12-25 14:03 Such an excelent job on the nightly pack and NC-17's ember style. Did bladestaylor put that together? Puts everything I've done to shame.
NC-17 2003-12-25 10:09 sMs, try and find out :)
Pitkon 2003-12-25 08:59 Have a great Xmas, everyone!
sMs 2003-12-25 08:21 whats so cool about bluebox? whats the difference between bluebox n blackbox?