auto 2005-12-25 14:22 I hope everyone had a good holiday ;]
cthu1hu 2005-12-25 12:52 Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Bon Kwanza!
captain 2005-12-25 10:22 merry christmas an d 1337n355 to all!
clovemagic 2005-12-25 09:30 Peace and good will to all!
Nightbreed 2005-12-25 03:36 Merry Xmas folks
Pitkon 2005-12-25 01:32 Merry Xmas to u all!
nfok3 2005-12-24 23:44 Merry Christmas!
snkmchnb 2005-12-24 16:22 happy holidays, all :D
thewayofzen 2005-12-24 11:25 Even though ive stepped somewhat away from the community.. id still like to wish everyone a very merry christmas.. a happy holiday.. a great whatever you celebrate.. all the best!
Pitkon 2005-12-24 01:45 I'm not displaying my hand, zen... :D