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2005-12-21 12:22
M4ur1g10: there is an even easier way to change the menu title so that it doesnt say BBLEAN 1.16. Go to this link and download xoblite

Bill Gates
2005-12-21 11:13
I thought I ruled over the world...

2005-12-21 10:21
Yeah!!! Pitkon rulez all over the world!!! :D

2005-12-21 07:29
Sure, M4u... Open menu.rc with a text editor and go to this line: [begin] (bbLean 1.16) Change bbLean 1.16 with whatever u want (keep the parentheses) and save. That's it. Next time u right click, a new menu title will come up :)

2005-12-21 06:55
Hi! There's a way to change bblean Menu title??? (i.è. bbLean 1.16 to something elese)

2005-12-21 02:18
Yeah, that is a cool link circa1974. links like those should be posted in the forum so they don't get lost

2005-12-21 00:49
That's a neat find, circa1974. BBLean includes something similar (with Blackbox color jargon, which is even neatier) with its docs, but this is a really beautiful showcase. I, for one, am sure will use it. Thank u!

2005-12-20 22:22
link this is kinda neat. no idea if anyone here wants or would use it. but its bound to be of use to someone.

2005-12-18 11:56
if right click saves for you, it must be a 1.5 thing as i thought. however, i have a better method in plan for the future incarnation of the site which will make it work... when it finally gets done haha.

2005-12-18 11:10
right click save as seems to work on firefox browser.. as the version that comes with breezy at least. ive not upped to 1.5 yet.

© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
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Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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