

Styles Packs


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2005-12-18 10:33
only thing left is right click save as wants to save as download.php now not the style name unlike it used to... but there has been no code changes to the site in this area, it must be Fx making semantic changes. Maybe if its a real big deal I can make some changes with mod_rewrite and stuff... or maybe i should get my ass back to work on the newer site, which i havent worked on for... a long time =\

2005-12-18 10:28
looks like I found a fix. Instead of using content-type: text/plain, i changed it to text/style. No more auto .txt extensions for me in Fx 1.5 at least now...

2005-12-18 10:20
on initial look, i dont think anything has been changed, and it may be our browsers doing the change because of the content-type being set to text/plain. are we all using Fx 1.5 now?

2005-12-18 10:17
yeah, I think someone changed the content type for the downloads... and it annoyed me too cause i would save as instead of click the link. I'm gonna have a look at it.

2005-12-18 09:58
tried right click save as??

2005-12-18 09:40
out of habbit I still save my files as .style. But I think this site automatically renames the to txt files, doesn't it?

2005-12-18 07:47
This message will probably get lost in the gradual bumping of chatbox messages, but... Is anybody else somewhat annoyed that when they download a style it wants to save it as a .txt file? I was almost certain that at one time every style file on the site was extension-less...

2005-12-17 17:06

2005-12-17 10:17
Cool desing...

2005-12-17 10:17

© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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