Nightbreed 2005-12-16 09:00 Guess it coulda been worse.. least it wasn't his dad... lmaooo
Nightbreed 2005-12-16 08:56 OMG .. lmao.... That's too funny qwilk
qwilk 2005-12-16 07:44 The best scoop ever? :D -> link
Nightbreed 2005-12-15 16:50 thanks dubox, I like the rein one the best
dubox 2005-12-15 16:16 found nice firefox themes link,
Brian 2005-12-15 06:20 I haven't poured any water on a German for quite a while now.
fabifri 2005-12-13 11:24 hello to all german soeakers who visit this site ;)
circa1974 2005-12-11 10:36 found this on digg.com and though its about apple it made me think of the time our bb and plugin devs might have when creating the things we love so much. link
Nightbreed 2005-12-11 08:45 beats my original gift idea which was to give everyone snow shovels and directions to my house...
clovemagic 2005-12-11 06:34 crowmag: Thanks for that link! I might use it in my classes. :-D