Pitkon 2006-01-08 04:19 U don't have to click on a thunbnail to dld a style; clicking on the cross symbol on the left of the author's name (if there is a cross) is enough...
Nightbreed 2006-01-08 03:05 click on a thumbnail at the top, wait for the page to load then click the link if provided next to the word style.. that's all
Rheal 2006-01-08 02:24 I mean, like.. How does one "get" any given Style? - I'm confused (as you may have guessed)
Rhall 2006-01-08 02:13 How does this work?
clovemagic 2006-01-07 13:46 @qwilk: ::doing the happy dance::
Mystoz 2006-01-07 10:19 this is what i have been waiting for...thx alot qwilk!!!
Pitkon 2006-01-07 10:19 Beautiful work, qwilk... (I checked the name twice...)
Nightbreed 2006-01-07 10:10 Thanks much Qwilk. Great work on this :D
Malnilion 2006-01-07 08:30 Awesome, qwilk, that's the best thing to happen to Xoblite since...um...a week ago! Seriously, though, we've been waiting for this for a long time and the BB4Winners now have a very good skinning plugin as well :)
qwilk 2006-01-07 06:19 link