bladestaylor 2003-12-16 02:10 does anyone know where i can find the style called "revel"?? it's blue and white.
snkmchnb 2003-12-16 00:18 [b]Windowns[b]: usually the links to the walls are in the screenshot comments... let me know if there are any walls that you want from my screenshots
Windowns 2003-12-15 23:31 Thanks, Background.. but im looking for the original backgrounds that you see with the styles.
hydro 2003-12-15 20:16 in bb 4 win
hydro 2003-12-15 20:15 can some one tell me how to make the tool bar and menu biger
Background 2003-12-15 20:04 Yeah, just change the background like you normally would in windows
merry 2003-12-15 17:04 Yup, really nice. :)
Windowns 2003-12-15 12:59 Man, i cant believe how nice some of the syles are. Is there a way to get the backgrounds for them as well? I find without them, its just not the same. Like a painting with the center cut out.
grischka 2003-12-15 12:40 Hey people, your styles are all so nice that I cannot decide which to include into the coming bbLean edition. Could some of you mail me your favorite one? Please with a simple bsetroot background. Danke. grischka@bonbon.net
Pitkon 2003-12-15 10:04 Hey, guys, can u send me some snow over?