auto 2003-12-17 00:05 maybe and extra row and a 2 ss per day limit...
cthu1hu 2003-12-16 23:34 An extra row wouldn't help that much, when some people are posting up to 4 or more screens a day. Not that I'm complaining.
Tres`ni 2003-12-16 22:42 El`Critic: You could try, not sure they would do you any good, but I don't think they bork or anything..
sMs 2003-12-16 22:19 sorry i meant 384 ram
sMs 2003-12-16 22:17 i have 536 ram
captain 2003-12-16 21:45 why can't more people upload their styles instead of just screenies? bums me out. :\
merry 2003-12-16 21:12 sMs: how much RAM do u have?
mqn 2003-12-16 19:09 I like the third row idea better than the once a day idea, although one screanshot per user a day would be better though logistics of that would be really bad.
El`Critic 2003-12-16 19:09 can i use the optomized builds if i am on P3 750?
Tres`ni 2003-12-16 19:01 NC-17: 1.1 requests/sec - 6.2 kB/second - 5.6 kB/request - That's the average B/W information.. Max upload is suppose to be 25kB though at 18kB it gets interesting..