Tres`ni 2003-12-16 19:00 sicle9: It's not a problem. The reject notice is automaticly generated so if it's something like that you can just ignore it :)
Windowns 2003-12-16 17:59 Thanks Pitkon, the wallpapers im looking for are for Ancient City, Virus, Flux-Blue, and Night Vision
sicle9 2003-12-16 17:19 to: box moderators
sorry for double upload, I refreshed the page and was worried it might have doubled the upp
NC-17 2003-12-16 17:03 /raises hand for third row.
how's your bandwidth doin'? :)
deciding 2003-12-16 16:53 no no! limits are a bad thing! i recommend a third row.
snkmchnb 2003-12-16 16:28 actually Tres`ni, this is what i was thinking... how about making it so that you can only upload one screen per day?
Tres`ni 2003-12-16 15:19 I'm starting to wonder myself... Got here this morning and didn't recognize a single screenshot..
auto 2003-12-16 15:06 The screenshots are going by so fast, maybe its time for a third row of 4?
Tres`ni 2003-12-16 12:52 There, fixed it :)
Tres`ni 2003-12-16 12:19 Line breaks: no, but apparently the forced wraps aren't working either.. must look into that..