necroboi 2004-02-16 14:05 Tres`ni: ok, i'll see what i can come up with ;)
freeb0rn 2004-02-16 13:03 thx guys.
Tres`ni 2004-02-16 13:02 necroboi: How about I draft you to do it for me :P
snkmchnb 2004-02-16 11:31 freeb0rn: fixed
necroboi 2004-02-16 10:42 hey sh*t happens, freeb0rn =O, i would suggest that Tres`ni make a little section on submission rules
and general conduct for using the chatbox and
ss comments...
multifate 2004-02-16 10:37 rofl! hentai should be ok! j/k 8)
freeb0rn 2004-02-16 09:40 I have something to say... as an admin i've fucked up, approved a screenshot i shouldn't have because i looked at the thumbnail, approved, then looked at the full view. I apologize publicly not only to the other admins but the rest of the site, sorry for corrupting the integrity of this database. Yet I would like to remind posters, once again, that submitting such screenshots is against this site's policy and should not be done in the first place. Nevertheless, i am fully to blame. Flame away.
jeff 2004-02-15 22:22 hey one of my shots came up for random... that reminds me.. haven't uploaded one in a while...
bladestaylor 2004-02-15 16:46 SystemBarEx test build:
1) slit-support
2) fix for cpu
Post a quick note at bb4win.org or forum about how it works..thanks!
NC-17 2004-02-15 11:40 run "blackbox.exe -uninstall" from the command line.