Jesterace 2004-02-24 14:51 using the old laptop i used to do while visiting the old roommate so i figured i'd come on by
Pitkon 2004-02-24 13:39 Hey, Jesterace, nice to see u, man!!!!
cthu1hu 2004-02-24 13:26 whasup!?!?
Jesterace 2004-02-24 13:19 Just saying hello, got access very briefly that I can actually do something on the comp.
akut 2004-02-24 07:16 no need to post then ...
sMs 2004-02-22 11:47 no idea what r u talking about, sorry
ViciousNA 2004-02-21 16:45 Is there a way to change the bordercolor of just the icons on xoblite?
sMs 2004-02-21 15:02 thanx nc-17 ioll try that,
NC-17 2004-02-21 14:09 sMs - set toolbarwidth to 0 in blackbox.rc.
oldskull 2004-02-21 14:08 sMs: I believe that u can disable the bb4win toolbar somewhere, maybe set the height or so in extensions.rc. I never do that, try search it somewhere in forums or bb4win chat.