sMs 2004-02-21 15:02 thanx nc-17 ioll try that,
NC-17 2004-02-21 14:09 sMs - set toolbarwidth to 0 in blackbox.rc.
oldskull 2004-02-21 14:08 sMs: I believe that u can disable the bb4win toolbar somewhere, maybe set the height or so in extensions.rc. I never do that, try search it somewhere in forums or bb4win chat.
sMs 2004-02-21 12:38 im not the only one
cthu1hu 2004-02-21 12:25 You're using bbleanbar in bb4win? You're a madman.
sMs 2004-02-21 12:06 im not using bblean, just regular blackbox4win, what desktop cofig r u talking about?
cthu1hu 2004-02-21 09:43 there's a "hide toolbar" in the desktop's config menu
sMs 2004-02-21 08:56 ok i tried new bbleanbar, loding qith blackbox latest build and it loaded but also my normal toolbar, so i have 2 toolbar, any ideas SOS
xXx 2004-02-20 21:10 i like to move move it i like to MOVE IT! =P
slith 2004-02-20 03:02 you stink