snkmchnb 2004-02-28 00:16 agreed auto
auto 2004-02-27 23:47 i like metapad -> link
oldskull 2004-02-27 16:31 cthu1hu: yeah crimson are quite cool editor.
cthu1hu 2004-02-27 11:19 crimson is a good, freeware editor
NC-17 2004-02-26 07:20 large screenshots are resized i think, but any size is fine, really. it doesnt matter what text editor you use, as long as you save your styles in plain text format (not .rtf, for instace). Personally, i use UltraEdit for all my text editing needs.
noob 2004-02-26 06:53 is there a certain size I should make my screenshots ? and what do you use wordpad ?
noob 2004-02-26 06:13 THANKS didnt see that just woke up ,,,
NC-17 2004-02-26 05:58 take a look at the menu on the left. Submit -> Screenshot.
noob 2004-02-26 05:27 How and where does someone upload a screenshot at ?
owl 2004-02-25 15:45 hmm.. that should have been owl39_tinMan. me is tired.. hehe