cthu1hu 2004-03-29 21:54 Thanks, xo0m, for killing BBMial!!11. Way to go, man. (just kidding)
Rex 2004-03-29 19:38 woa..
NC-17 2004-03-29 18:23 im sure someone would graciously take the existing code off you to finish it though, of course.
NC-17 2004-03-29 17:37 no offence, but, lame tbh :P here's to bad days.
qwilk 2004-03-29 17:01 (...I am keeping the name though, just in case... ;P )
qwilk 2004-03-29 16:14 OK, BBMail is now officially terminated. No offense or anything, but I am somewhat sick and tired of releasing IMHO pretty cool stuff only to get questions about the d*mn thing... (and yes, I am having a bad day today, but this is the n:th time it has happened). Now please, PLEASE, stop beating the horse and let me bury it for good! :P
Tres`ni 2004-03-29 12:32 qwilk: If you want code to support IMAP in your mail plugin let me know :)
xo0m 2004-03-28 20:07 not to sound like a nagging brat, is there any chance you're gonna release that pop mail plugin?
snkmchnb 2004-03-28 12:46 yay, qwilk!
qwilk 2004-03-28 11:45 BBDropFTP 1.0 by qwilk! :D -> link