sicle9 2004-04-02 21:53 i didnt take out the characters denoting a comment in html format... purely an accident
Tres`ni 2004-04-02 21:28 Alright.. I have to fix that..
test 2004-04-02 17:42
Tres`ni 2004-04-02 16:06 I wanna know how sicle9 got it to post a blank chat :P
sryo 2004-04-01 23:30 hopefully az will remember to restore blizzle to it's *working* state :P
sicle9 2004-04-01 23:10 "Many thanks to link - the worst Geocities site I could find on short notice "
sicle9 2004-04-01 23:10
sicle9 2004-04-01 23:09 qwilk: looking at the html comment on the page that pops up is says
sMs 2004-04-01 17:02 thanx cthu1hu
qwilk 2004-04-01 16:29 az: nslookup returns (blank page if I try to access the IP directly, lame-ass beginner HTML page otherwise). Any clues?