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2004-03-30 09:33
hehe, lesson #1? makes sense, but never did i say something along those lines. although your claim that it has *nothing* to do with me might be true, it sure felt like it. you couldve just said what you said in lesson#2!...and it wasn't just one person. lesson #2 WOULD'VE been more where i was leaning towards...perhaps i just don't know the programmers developers etiquette as well as you all since im not a program writer. whatever...i guess had i known people were gonna react like that, i wouldnt have asked such a simple question in the first place

2004-03-30 05:56
Myst0z: Nope :) gv: Thanks... :D

2004-03-30 05:48
is there a war going on..:)

2004-03-30 02:24
Very eloquently stated qwilk.

2004-03-30 01:01
Lesson#2: "Hey, I've released this cool new plugin, BBDropFTP! - Ah, cool, I like this ..., but I'd like to have ... I'm also really looking forward to BBMail, are yo u still working on it?" -> might just work better than #1 below... =]

2004-03-30 00:59
Lesson#1: "Hey, I've released this cool new plugin, BBDropFTP! - Yeah yeah, but when will you release BBMail?" -> not the right way to smoothtalk a dev ;)

2004-03-30 00:55
(cont'd) ...and rather than keeping you waiting for a plugin that I will not have time to finish due the work, family and my other coding projects, I thought I'd let you know that it's just not going to happen. Feel free to call that lame if you want, but the point is that all us devs code for fun and some nice feedback every now and then, and so far I'd say we're all friggin' under paid... ;)

2004-03-30 00:52
(cont'd) ...and while I understand you guys are really looking forward to a email checking plugin (which isn't that complicated to implement, just not that interrresting), people have been asking me about it for two years now, whenever I release something. And let me assure you xo0m, it had *nothing* to do with you, you were just the last one to bring up the subject... (cont'd)

2004-03-30 00:48
Hmm, this might turn into a storm in a teacup, so I'll just clarify: I started working on BBMail, which atm is just a nice skeleton without the actual POP3 code, in 2002. I haven't worked on it since, due to bb4win, xoblite and my other plugins... (cont'd)

2004-03-30 00:34
well excuse me for not keeping up on every chatbox topic. a simple no would have been easier. id go on, but i was always told that if you dont have something good to say to a person, you might as well not say anything at all

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