zerosleep 2004-03-21 00:39 /me loves media player classic.
NC-17 2004-03-20 13:07 there will be a new version of xoblite, bb2 when qwilk is done with it.
kim 2004-03-20 10:24 is xoblite dead? or any chance we`ll se a new version out soon?
auto 2004-03-20 03:14 inf3rnal: its not the same thing, check out media player classic it has tons of options compared to mplayer - they are really similar in apperance alone.
inf3rnal 2004-03-20 02:25 @ auto for 2000 and xp you can type mplayer2 in the run dialog and you get the classic media player
site up 2004-03-19 17:48 site up
site down 2004-03-19 12:42 site down
snkmchnb 2004-03-19 07:36 there Shadowline, it's done...
freeb0rn 2004-03-19 05:28 um ok. why not just email it to us then? if not supposed to be posted you could have put something like (Info only, do not approve) at least. Anyway.
auto 2004-03-18 23:52 media player classic -> link