Myst0z 2004-03-15 13:35 i cant run WKrellM cuz it crash i dunno why am i the only one?
Tres`ni 2004-03-15 10:59 Check out WKrellM , it's nalenb's port of GKrellM to native Win32 code (ie, no GTK)
zerosleep 2004-03-14 21:01 Thanks guys. I just found something that is more like it. Check it out : link I just need to skin it now to match =\
bladestaylor 2004-03-14 17:16 oops, i mean zerosleep..
mutilus: try checking paths in blackbox.rc, menu.rc, etc.
bladestaylor 2004-03-14 17:15 mutilus: there's bbsysstate and bbnetstate:
mutilus 2004-03-14 16:05 my working directory seems to have changed.. I can't access my styles or docs or even the blackbox about through the blackbox menu. What did I do (and how do i undo?)
zerosleep 2004-03-14 13:56 yeah thats kinda close to what i wanted, but it only displays text about system info, i was hoping for something with the cpu charts and all that.
snkmchnb 2004-03-14 11:05 zerosleep: what parts of gkrellm are you looking for? link is prolly the closest thing. bbmail is being worked on too..
zerosleep 2004-03-14 07:01 Anyone know if theres a plugin out thats like gkrellm?
bladestaylor 2004-03-13 20:18 linkage: also, grischka has a bsetroot branch (updated mar 11) here: