Nightbreed 2004-05-10 06:05 There isnt a bro@m to have bbinterface save a present setting is there?
Nightbreed 2004-05-10 02:22 Thanks for the src. Do you know of anyone using VS2003 for writing the plug-ins? It is compatible right?
bladestaylor 2004-05-09 23:16 Nightbreed: Try these...keep the spaces:
"@BBSlit Toggle OnTop"
"@BBSlit Toggle Hide"
"@BBSlit Toggle Hide on"
"@BBSlit Toggle Hide off"
src...~line 280:
Nightbreed 2004-05-09 01:34 Thanks for the reply Tres'ni. I'm just looking for away of implementing a bro@m to toggle autohide and ontop
Tres`ni 2004-05-08 23:07 There is no membership service currently.. It's been in the works for a while, but I have finals this week so... And yes, anyone could add bro@ms for controlling th slit or allowing BBI to load plugins.
Nightbreed 2004-05-08 19:52 Is there a membership service to this site?
Nightbreed 2004-05-08 19:49 If there's sourse code for the slit & bbinterface, then anyone should be able to implement that right?
122038567 2004-05-08 14:03 000000
snkmchnb 2004-05-08 09:07 not that i'm aware of
Nightbreed 2004-05-08 06:42 Are there bro@ms for controlling the slit?