Nightbreed 2004-05-15 19:46 Ahh.. Another nice one.. cthu1hu.. Just put your mouse in one of the defined corners and roll your scroll wheel
Nightbreed 2004-05-15 19:41 I'll give the workspace scroll a try now. Now that Im totally done with theming for the day :)
cthu1hu 2004-05-15 19:38 I'm using bbEH and the workspace-scroll isn't working for me. Maybe I'm doing something wrong tho. was just about to check the forum on that..
bladestaylor 2004-05-15 19:31 Nightbreed, cthu1hu: Did you try the workspace-scroll feature on bbedgehook? I was going to add that to bbedgeflip. Then, I decided at the last minute to move it to bbEM. It keeps bbEF small and focused. Then, I'm going to expand bbedgehook to send broams, etc.
Nightbreed 2004-05-15 19:29 Duh, Im an idiot.. Didn't realize I was doing bmp's instead of jpg...Thanks cthu1hu. Have to remember these things :S
cthu1hu 2004-05-15 19:15 Adjusting the compression ratio on the image file, I meant.
Nightbreed 2004-05-15 18:58 So, you can send your screenshot as a compressed file as apose to an image file?
cthu1hu 2004-05-15 18:39 I've had the server time out on me a few times 'cause I'm on slow dialup. Have to compress my screens to about 100k.
Nightbreed 2004-05-15 17:33 Is anyone having problems uploading screenshots?
Nightbreed 2004-05-15 12:40 Same here. Took me a few to figure it out also.