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2004-05-17 17:28
One question might be then, are there bro@ms for the BBKontroller-Proxy?

2004-05-17 17:24
bladestaylor: This works better then all the other slideshowers I've seen. Simply because the thumbs are generated before hand. no cpu usage at all between switching of images

2004-05-17 17:07
Nightbreed: Glad the timer's working! I thought about the bbmemrelease..someone about a timer, so now they can use broamtimer with bbmemrelease. About winamp play, pause...the broamtimer broams would control the slideshow, e.g. pause slideshow, resume, etc..

2004-05-17 15:23
opps Sorry inf3rnal I was looking at the wrong thing.. Are you meaning the doom looking thing?

2004-05-17 14:15
A wmdl style interface can easily be created with bblean using a slit and bbinterface

2004-05-17 13:51
anyone knows wmdl for linux (i run it on gentoo) is it possible to run something like than on windows (like bbeyes)

2004-05-17 13:04
Here's another idea: Have it run, check and show for a few minuts , then close the LLiam plugin.. that way, it opens the plugin, checks your email, show whether or not you have any then closes again :)

2004-05-17 12:57
I actually put a bbmemrelease on button controls too. it calls memrelease right as the bro@m list is completing it's script. something to put at the end of my slideshower ;) thanks for that cthu1hu

2004-05-17 12:52
I got bbmemrelease on a timer now :) Very nice, bladestaylor.

2004-05-17 11:09
I'll post a setting over at Loose screws.. that should be more clear.. it's going to be titled BBbin Icon

© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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