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2004-04-29 21:47
I really need to figure out this line too long stuff..

2004-04-29 15:23
i wish i knew how to code.... gRr "l`impuissance" mm about bbweather is it normal when it updates my cpu usage goes to 100% -_-

2004-04-29 13:32

2004-04-29 03:43
... so it just needs somebody to pick it up and do some work on it.

2004-04-29 01:19
He did. It's on the BB4Win CVS server

2004-04-28 05:55
I thought that psyci released the source code for BBInterface as he no longer had the time to work on it?

2004-04-27 23:44
thanx for the answers... mm about bbsysmon .. font option in bbsysmon doesnt work right, about multiamp, i hope we will see an upgrade soon as bbinterface .. i think there is a lil bug in there

2004-04-27 23:31
sMs: as far as my knowledge, bbsysmon is being worked on, but hasn't been worked on.. if that makes sense.. anyway, it does allow you to change font settings in it.. it's in the .rc for it.. multiamp is also being worked on by qwilk, but is not the main focus atm.. as far as bbinterface goes, i dunno if psyci is working on it any longer or not..

2004-04-27 22:27
I know that bbnetstate and bbsysstate are not being developed due to lost source code. Other then that, no clue

2004-04-27 14:10
wassup people.. i haev a question.. is someone working on bbsystate and bbnetstate? or maye working on bbsysmon? cuz i want netstate and systate to be able to custumize. also on bbsysmon the possiblity to change the font we want on it (not the same as balckbox) mmm also anyone working on multiamp? i would like to be able to resize my multiamp.. the buttons r kinda big for my taste. =D and also anyone on bbinterface? =P well thanx..

© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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