Rev 2004-07-25 13:42 Jeff: Hmm. About all I can think of, then, is making sure that foobar isn't listed in WinSkin's exclusions file.
jeff 2004-07-25 13:23 Rev can't find it...
and its not that i want to skin foobar like winamp... i just want it to match other windows using bbwinskin
freeb0rn 2004-07-25 13:09 Plugins forum, of course.
john 2004-07-25 12:23 freeb0rn when u say check forum for the revised foomp do u mean the plugins forums etc.. or where should we be looking..
Rev 2004-07-25 06:57 If you want to really skin foobar, get FooLooks 2.1 .. there's a link to it on the 3rd party components/plugin page linked on the foobar website.
jeff 2004-07-25 04:44 i want to be able to skin foobar!!!!
Jesterace 2004-07-24 18:08 Hail to the King Baby!
jeff 2004-07-24 13:01 just wondering, how come i foobar2000 is not skiined with bbwinskin?
freeb0rn 2004-07-23 20:38 A revision of bbFoomp 1.2 (1.2r2) has been released. Get it at the forum topic.
It fixes a transparency issue, and adds a requested feature to change the style of the inner rectangle.
cthu1hu 2004-07-23 15:51 you'd still need the 3dcc engine, and i don't think it's open source..