grischka 2004-07-27 15:20 Just set the correct "handleWidth" in the style :P And yes btw, it can be zero with next version.
Jesterace 2004-07-27 07:16 I don't like the gripper and handles of bblean skin.
jeff 2004-07-26 22:22 but i dont like leanskin =P
freeb0rn 2004-07-26 18:00 my bad. leanskin rules then :P
Foobar8.2 2004-07-26 16:31 leanskin works just fine
NC-17 2004-07-25 21:42 leanskin skins 0.8.3 fine.
freeb0rn 2004-07-25 21:33 Any foobar version after 8.0 is not compatible with BBWin/Leanskin for god knows what reason (ask the Foobar developer). From what I know, it is not something that the *skin developers can fix. As far as Explorer goes, I'm pretty sure they are intentionally not skinning it due to certain issues that were unsolvable.
cthu1hu 2004-07-25 21:27 same here, but with explorer. for some reason bbwinskin and bbleanskin stopped working on it. i gave up trying to fix it.
Rev 2004-07-25 20:25 Well .. hell. I have no idea. My foobar skins just fine using WinSkin as well as Leanskin.
jeff 2004-07-25 19:35 foobar is not part of the exclusions. i tried removing all exclusions, but foobar is still not changed by bbwinskin.