laba 2004-08-14 02:32 hmm... weird, drag and drop works for me...
Inauro 2004-08-14 02:27 Extract from the archive as per usual, drag and drop to Fonts folder for standard install.
laba 2004-08-14 01:46 how did you try to install them?
Inauro 2004-08-14 01:13 A sort of PS to this...i've just moved from Win2K to XP Pro (still dubious about that) and although i've found a couple of .tar.gz of fonts, none of them will install once extracted. Could use some advice from hardened XP users.
Inauro 2004-08-14 01:00 I need someone to do me a favour. I've just done a complete system rebuild and forgotten to back up my damn fonts. Could someone email me the standard BB fonts to sessine@hotmail.com? The link at the BBLean page (which i'd usually use) no longer seems operative.
Zx 2004-08-13 20:40 o_O
dubox 2004-08-13 11:29 fluxmod.dk is back. still works at link :D
Tres`ni 2004-08-12 21:46 I was seriously starting to think the chatbox broke and no one told me :P
Pitkon 2004-08-12 19:24 Ah, at least someone broke the silence... Yeah, it WAS getting creepy... :D
jeff 2004-08-12 16:10 ew i hate mice.
but i got two hamsters of my own