thewayofzen 2004-08-19 05:29 nice! that means i can stop doing it now. i knew i read it somewhere and well its a pain in the butt! less work for zen YAY!
Jesterace 2004-08-18 10:53 Actually it used to be the case where bb4win would write to those files when you restarted the shell it's been long since changed.
thewayofzen 2004-08-18 05:16 nc-17 is it just extensions.rc that u need do that? i thought there was one of them that u had to do it
NC-17 2004-08-17 07:55 u dont need to hold shift when editing plugins.rc, or blackbox.rc.
thewayofzen 2004-08-16 23:17 systebarex needs u to set the widthpercent to ZERO and also for u to remove or comment out systembar.dll from your plugins.rc. After edit both of these files LEAVE THEM OPEN and then right click on your desktop and and navigate the menus to restart only HOLD SHIFT down as u restart. This will give u a popup saying it paused blackbox. RETURN TO THE FILES YOU EDITTED and save them while the pause is on. After you save both of them with the required changes click ok to restart blackbox. This should help
looper 2004-08-16 20:06 Make sure Blackbox recognizes the changes you've made...after you edit plugins.rc or any other .rc file, save the file, then reconfigure Blackbox (I'm not sure where the reconfigure command is in BB, but that's what you need to do).
John Constantine 2004-08-16 14:56 I´m Using BlackBox 0.0.92. Even if I rename the systembar.dll it still loads with BlackBox :\ I changed the widthPercent to 0 so it does not appear, but it still loads the bar.
Jesterace 2004-08-16 14:23 xoblite's systembar is integrated... that's why I ask.
Jesterace 2004-08-16 14:23 delete the systembar.dll from the plugins directory by any chance are you using xoblite?
laba 2004-08-16 14:22 you could try opening the menu and blackbox -> config -> misc. -> hide toolbar