Herbalist 2004-12-13 07:59 Interesting..I use Opera though.
crowmag 2004-12-13 07:39 Knowing there are a lot of Firefox users out there in bbLand, this should be a good read - link
crowmag 2004-12-13 07:39 Well, me being in the over 50 crowd, I would say a girl would be any female homo-sapien still not jaded by the cruel world that surrounds us :) - no matter what their age... Now that I've given that away, maybe I should change my handle to "cogger" eh? :p
clovemagic 2004-12-12 21:57 GWJM: Whew! That's good news. Btw, I wondered if a female over 30 can still be considered a "girl." I didn't specify how far past 30 . . . :P
ZenLC 2004-12-12 16:33 Looking back from 38, yes, 30 is still a "girl."
GWJMateo 2004-12-12 15:25 Hey, I'm not over the hill at 33. And yes, Clovemagic, 30-ish women can still be called girls. Didn't you get the memo? The 30's are the new 20's!
Jesterace 2004-12-12 14:11 I'm 27 almost 30 :P hehe and i'd still call a woman that's 30 a girl :P
thewayofzen 2004-12-12 12:26 clovemagic: that depends how much over 30.. :) i know personally im right on the dot.. so perhaps im too old for the "scene" myself lol.. surely someone my age should have more prodcutive activities.. but style making iis a great distraction from adulthood ;)
snkmchnb 2004-12-11 16:44 Herbalist: i took care of it..
Herbalist 2004-12-11 16:13 Sorry about that(below this) I was trying to see how a chatbox work on my PC) I didn't know it would do this..... sorry.