el capitan 2004-12-08 04:05 *shakes fist at xoblite* ihu xob for stealing zen! id use it but the systembar/toolbar thing is horrid.
thewayofzen 2004-12-07 20:52 if anyone has been wanting aan xoblite bb2 theme to mimmick my current desktop setup as seen in "broken concentration" or "lost in the dark" you can get it here link
enjoy and stuff.
sMs 2004-12-07 20:05 ok... =) thanx for all ur plugins again =)
Theo 2004-12-07 19:25 just the bbrss is new..
sMs 2004-12-07 18:57 r those plugins new betas?
Theo 2004-12-07 18:35 about that rss... try this.. BBRSS 1.0 from here link
sMs 2004-12-07 17:27 by the way.. im comign with a new fresh style.. so.. all my fans.. (LOL) be patient =D
sMs 2004-12-07 17:27 fuk ebay =P
freeb0rn 2004-12-07 11:53 sounds like an idea to pursue. pick up a book, hit #bb4win and go for it! There's always a first, and eventhough a net-plugin is a daunting task (you may want to start with something much, much, MUCH simpler) it's a goal worth keeping.
trin 2004-12-07 10:17 what about making an eBay auction watcher plugin, so you can see the current price etc etc etc. if i had an ounce of programer in me i would attempt it, =( but i dont