snkmchnb 2004-12-10 11:44 twoz: if you havn't gotten a hold of Tres`ni shoot me a copy of the new one and i'll get it up for you.
Herbalist 2004-12-10 08:36 qwilk-- Nope I don't have them installed...Thanks for the Link.
multifate 2004-12-10 05:26 freeb0rn did you really lose your source code for bbfoomp? because i'd like to get my hands on it
thewayofzen 2004-12-09 21:54 any chance one of the gods of CM might delete kure-n for me?
Tres`ni 2004-12-09 20:48 So far this month, 15 people have uploaded 29 styles, I think that's pretty decent.
dreamer 2004-12-09 20:06 how come there's only 3 or 4 people uploading styles lately?
qwilk 2004-12-09 19:19 Herbalist: I've noticed you don't seem to have the Blackbox font pack installed -> link
Herbalist 2004-12-09 08:46 I gave a link to 3dc Color changer ver.4 in the forum under "Add-ons"--"Others" if anyone wanted it.
el capitan 2004-12-09 05:16 thewayofzen: bbstylemaker makes that quite simple... its just i want em to look as pretty as xoblite. but i refuse to give up my bblean unless xoblite gets systembar support
Jesterace 2004-12-09 01:28 nevermind i am blind :P