sMs 2004-12-15 13:28 thanx for the answer C_Bass
sMs 2004-12-15 13:27 oh true.. i forgot about that point.. damn that suks... griskha can u make it bbinterface jpeg support? and gif too
C_Bass 2004-12-15 12:07 I was working on it, but considering the fact that BBInterface doesn't support JPGs, it makes it quite difficult. I really don't feel like storing all my album art as bitmaps.
sMs 2004-12-15 10:56 noone =_(
sMs 2004-12-14 20:46 has anyone here made a albumt art bbinterface script?
Tres`ni 2004-12-14 17:27 DAMN! I think that's the first time I've done that.. I could fix it, but I'm really lazy.. That was me, to grischka
grischka 2004-12-14 17:26 What, didn't like my home made button? :) I'll have it updated asap
oops 2004-12-14 16:42 er, you meant the bblean button, huh...well, it's on the left on the bblean page, no? button -> graphical representation of a web link
hard to see 2004-12-14 16:40 it's kinda grey on grey...under "To Us"
Kreiger 2004-12-14 15:07 Button? i see no button.. am i missing something?