cthu1hu 2005-01-05 11:59 crowmag: interesting. So you're a guitar man?
crowmag 2005-01-05 05:12 WOW ! the CrusFX sure beats my homebrew FX processor - mine's transistor based tho and about half the size (pkgd in what's left of an old Hammond C3 ;p ) Be interesting to see what kinda $ they want for the thing. Hope they make it smaller - ppl always get a strange look on their face when they see mine =D.
cthu1hu 2005-01-04 15:09 I'd like the software as a DX plugin..
ArthurDent 2005-01-04 08:10 That is cool.. if they can find a way to make the hardware smaller, I'd buy something like that in a heartbeat!
cthu1hu 2005-01-03 23:12 Just downloaded his jesusonic app. Wow.
qwilk 2005-01-03 20:05 Justin Frankel: "As far as having products that reach millions of users, it's a double sided coin -- it's rewarding, but you make one little mistake and you hear from thousands of users, which is a very small percentage but a terrible feeling." -> link
el capitan 2005-01-03 17:08 i use the artwiz fonts on 1280x1024 no problem...
owl 2005-01-03 13:23 i got some connection problem while uploding, so if i got more then one version up, i'm sorry and please delete it :)
cthu1hu 2005-01-03 12:45 The artwiz fonts are the standard for bb & fluxbox. Guess they're meant for 8x6 or 10x7 resos.
sMs 2005-01-03 10:30 =P