Rev 2004-12-28 17:29 blackinthebox!!
sMs 2004-12-28 15:51 yeah i like boxonomy too
sMs 2004-12-28 15:35 i like boxed.. someone brought it out... but i heard it was already teaken... maybe bboxed
cthu1hu 2004-12-28 10:45 i thought boxonomy.com was alright.. kinda rolls off the tongue..
ZenLC 2004-12-28 10:04 cthu1hu - yeah, just more....confined :)
thewayofzen 2004-12-28 06:23 everyone vote blackinthebox.com ;)
cthu1hu 2004-12-27 20:22 lostinthebox.com? is that like being lost in space?
Tres`ni 2004-12-27 15:45 not currently. In fact this isn't really supported either.
trin 2004-12-27 07:07 is there a way by bro@m or plugin that you can monitor the on/off status of a plugin possibly with bbinterface(like a visual monitor)?
AlmostX 2004-12-26 00:47 Merry X-Mas