LuMurong 2005-01-09 17:56 Mid click on the desktop to access your styles menu (xoblite default behaviour)
LuMurong 2005-01-09 16:45 I've changed too bb4win
LuMurong 2005-01-09 16:37 I use xoblite bb2
doctorfrog 2005-01-09 16:02 do you see a "styles" entry in your right-click menu? may depend on which *box you have installed. (bb4win, bblean, etc.)
LuMurong 2005-01-09 15:33 I've installed the shell, i just have no idea of howto change a them.. well i download the theme and extract it too the ' style ' directory. any idea's ?
doctorfrog 2005-01-07 16:05 possible awards for 'pink' contest: Most Elegant, Most Usable, Most Eye-Scarring...
sMs 2005-01-07 15:02 i did one long time ago.... but now it needs a retouch link
clovemagic 2005-01-07 10:40 "By the way, which one's pink?" Maybe we should have a pink styles challenge. We could call it "Styles from Big Pink." ;)
thewayofzen 2005-01-07 08:47 heading on vacation.. hopefully the time away will refresh me enough that i might be back with new ideas rather then the same exact style just different colors. ive been stuck in a rut.. everyone take care :)
juztin 2005-01-06 23:32 anime is teh suck.