cthu1hu 2005-01-06 21:01 lol @ Tres`ni
cthu1hu 2005-01-06 20:59 i always start with the menu...
crowmag 2005-01-06 20:07 cthu1hu - Yeap, "What is and what should never be".
thewayofzen - I've been experimenting with sum pink/muave myself... nothing this good yet, looks nice tho I'm not into the wall. I think I'm going to try a different approach... Working backwards from a 3Dc file. Maybe it'll work... maybe not.
Tres`ni 2005-01-06 20:04 yes and yes ;)
cthu1hu 2005-01-06 20:01 I was thinking about having eggs for breakfast. thoughts?
thewayofzen 2005-01-06 18:09 wondering if i should release this... opinions?!? link
sMs 2005-01-06 12:34 is wolrd of warcraft out?
cthu1hu 2005-01-06 12:02 to me, good music is haunted. it's hard finding musicians able to express that
cthu1hu 2005-01-06 11:56 never been in a band that understood that. anything else feels like a hack job.
crowmag 2005-01-06 11:30 Sorry if that last post seemed like sour apples - it's not. It's just that when your doing anything creative: music , art, making a style... you can't be forced into a rigid form factor, but instead, be able to experiment and improvize within the medium (the jazz/blues paradigm). If you're stifled, then the product will suffer. Even if you don't see (or hear) the difference, your audience will. Sure, dictation can work at some level... it's called A JOB.