Pengu 2005-02-25 03:27 wow what a party pooper... Poor inauro. =[
doctorfrog 2005-02-25 03:06 that's sad. he doesn't want to share...
Inauro 2005-02-25 01:52 Tres'ni: I see you're dealing with this issue. I've fired off a few emails regarding the matter, and await your decision.
Inauro 2005-02-25 01:42 Admins, i need a favour. The artist who provided the backgrounds for my styles Encircled and Jack's Back has contacted me to request that the styles be removed. As he is the author of those pieces i feel it best to honour his request. So if you could pull the styles i'd be grateful.
thewayofzen 2005-02-24 22:30 i might try it for the sake of saying i did it.. not exactly sure how i would go about it though...
NightBreed 2005-02-24 20:47 don't forget, you can still use bblean in linux with wine
thewayofzen 2005-02-24 18:23 im using linux now myself.. been 100% linux for a week now.. xfce4 is rad! but im starting to really think i miss the *box.. looking into openbox tonite its installed and waiting for when i get home
NightBreed 2005-02-24 15:35 Yeap, for a year now. Was using dual boot up to about a few months ago, then went %100 after a few important things got implemented.
GWJ Mateo 2005-02-24 13:14 Ah, nightbreed joins the penguins!
NightBreed 2005-02-24 05:10 Not too long ago someone sent a request for a style I posted. Sorry I lost that email. If you want to email me again. I'll try to dig it up. I'm not currently using windows but I should still have it