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2005-02-26 19:29
holy ****

2005-02-26 16:18
By the way, is 3 years as of Feb 2 ;) link://

2005-02-26 16:15
This whole issue of using someone elses images as your wallpaper in a screenshot has been handled before, it's fair use, there is no infringment here.. [Just a side note, but it's also why we don't allow you to upload the wallpaper as that falls into a whole differant set of rules.] link So, now that that's setteled..

el capitan
2005-02-25 23:39
to all those who like the color pink, there's a treat coming your way.

2005-02-25 18:34
"If you don't want it stolen or copyright infringed, don't put it on the internet."

2005-02-25 14:51
The situation appears to be resolved. I've spoken with the artist and he is ok with the use of the images, but would prefer to be notified before his work is used in the future. I think that's fair enough.

2005-02-25 12:22
you dont need to remove the style, just remove the background image.

GWJ Mateo
2005-02-25 09:50
I'm still working on weaning my wife off XP. Slow going. My laptop just got the Vector SOHO5 love. And yes, Way, XFCE4 ROCKS. Almost as much as BBlean.

2005-02-25 09:32
but the thing is he's giving the wall author's credit, he's not claiming them as his own, just the bb styles

2005-02-25 06:03
Sharing is different from reusing without permission.

© 2003-2006, Brian "Tres`ni" Hartvigsen, Jesterace, snkmchnb and NC-17
Styles © of their respective authors
Please direct all administrative questions/comments to Jesterace, snkmchnb or NC-17
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