auto 2005-02-10 09:13 Ive been meaning to enable the drop shadows, looks pretty cool.
thewayofzen 2005-02-09 21:41 auto i got dropshadows and transparency working in xfce tonite for some reason the iconbox isnt recognising the trans setting .. check it out
thewayofzen 2005-02-09 16:35 dude honestly i think the only thing i have left to do is figure out how to install flash into my firefox browser.. mozilla is already done.. firefox doesnt seem to do it the same way. im actually having fun :)
crowmag 2005-02-09 16:14 ~lol~
Rev 2005-02-09 15:48 And that, my good friends, is why Rev sticks with Windows. ~l~
thewayofzen 2005-02-09 15:34 disregard all that banter im up and running.. this shit is tough.
thewayofzen 2005-02-09 15:31 im runing the .rpm with rpm -u name.rpm where name is the file etc. it keeps telling me the package is already installed.. but azureus keeps telling me i neeed 1.4.x or later to run it. which is kinda lame. "you need this to run it.. but u cant run it cause you need to upgrade it.. but its already installed so dont bother"..
thewayofzen 2005-02-09 15:21 btw im really new at this.. and i DID run the stupid rpm.bin thing like three times
thewayofzen 2005-02-09 15:02 auto: i tried that.. im not sure what the deal is but even though im showing /usr/bin/java.. im on my system im not able to get azureus to run i think i botched something..
auto 2005-02-09 13:33 i followed this: link