crowmag 2005-02-04 14:38 Mom (93) still uses the AMD 400 I setup for her years ago. ~But~ mom runs Blackbox and loves it :D
gv 2005-02-04 10:32 Yes, of course, he built it for his grandmother. I'm thinking of building something similar for my four-year-old son.
ArthurDent 2005-02-04 10:25 All I can say about that article qwilk is that that guy has got one seriously smart grandmother. Either that or he is seriously unsmart!
qwilk 2005-02-03 14:42 link
snkmchnb 2005-02-03 09:07 krutch: check your menu.rc file and make sure that the styles dir patch matches what you actually have.
krutch 2005-02-03 01:44 Hey guys, New to black box. loving the shell so far. Trying to figure out how to change styles though. Seems from the blackbox menu that Its not seeing the styles that I have installed. Even the defualt once. runing 9.1
snkmchnb 2005-02-02 22:09 it's sorta fixed, i had to remove the glyph from el quapo's msg in the chatbox..
snkmchnb 2005-02-02 19:17 phryne lorry: i think i know what's wrong with it, i'll see if it can fix it when i get home if Tres`ni doesn't fix it first.
phryne lorry 2005-02-02 18:55 snkmchnb: tx for fixing the styles feed. Now the chat feed seems to be broken.
doctorfrog 2005-02-02 17:42 Or use Izarc, if you don't want to download a new proggie for every compression format.