cthu1hu 2005-01-25 16:11 can you make a plugin that cycles through styles in a dir with the mouse wheel?
Theo 2005-01-25 06:35 link
Theo 2005-01-25 06:34 BBDigitalEx 1.0 beta 7 - something to play with :-) link
GNUbee 2005-01-24 14:33 [insert here]
juztin 2005-01-24 09:13 oh snap!
crowmag 2005-01-24 04:56 btw i I know CImage isn't a "library" - it's an "include" (me tinks)
crowmag 2005-01-24 04:42 Well... this doesn't do bro@ms but if u use bbLean it's functionality is available in the right-click menu: link I'm not a programmer but as far as libraries that can be used in plugins to support PNG - I did run accross this: link - but I don't see it being added to the core.
C_Bass 2005-01-24 04:11 Hasn't anyone out there made a plugin with the ability to display and resize jpg files by sending bro@ms? Better yet, is there a version of BBInterface that can do it? PNG files would be nice too. Aren't there certain librarys with that functionality that can be added to the BB Core?
kana 2005-01-24 03:46 At least, `snap' is already converted. link
juztin 2005-01-23 22:47 when's the voting start? monday?