phryne lorry 2005-04-24 16:02 C_Bass: alaricljs and I both said that we don't get context menus in bbiconbox, and you responded "Works fine here. Except I do have a few extra default context menu items..". It wasn't clear that you were talking about the recycle bin. I came in late to the conversation and I was seconding that some people aren't seeing any context menus at all. It sounded to me like you were not having any problems and you thought you were getting "extra" context menu items.
C_Bass 2005-04-23 10:55 phryne lorry: Of course they are standard Windows context items, but they don't ever appear on the Recycle Bin context menu. I was just supposing that bbIconBox adds them to all context menu items. Is this what you are trying to let me know?
Theo: I'll be looking forward to it!
Theo 2005-04-23 09:20 i wanted to add netmonitor to bbsysmeter.. but i dont have time to do that now.. maybe in the summer..
phryne lorry 2005-04-23 09:19 C_Bass: RE: bbiconbox: Those are standard Windows context menu items, not bbiconbox features. Grischka responded in the forum on loose-screws: context menus only work properly in the current beta of bblean.
C_Bass 2005-04-22 23:56 Does anyone know of a _decent_network traffic monitor plugin in the works? I know of bbNetState, but I would like a slittable plugin that can be resized, have text labels changed, and has transparent back support. I realize my plugin description was of a very Theo-esque plugin. Hint hint, Theo. A plugin like that is the last thing that I could ever possibly want from my BB experience. Then I will reach shell customization Zen... :)
C_Bass 2005-04-22 23:13 Works fine here. Except I do have a few extra default context menu items like "Rename", "Delete", "Create Shortcut", "Send To", etc. Perhaps bbIconBox just applies those menu items to all context menus.
phryne lorry 2005-04-22 19:18 I also am not getting any context menus in bbiconbox. Anybody have a fix?
alaricljs 2005-04-22 14:29 That iconbox thread is on loose-screws. and I don't get any context menu at all :(
looper 2005-04-22 12:47 Detailing how to make a special Class ID for the Bin, I mean.
looper 2005-04-22 12:47 There was actually just recently a forum post detailing that procedure for BBIconbox and the Recycle Bin. I believe it was in the BBIconbox thread on the box.crackmonkey forums.