spider 2005-05-01 15:57 Herbalist > thanks for the emails man :p you can make some wicked visuals
Herbalist 2005-05-01 14:02 spider...... If you are refferring to the Wallpapers that are being used try link or link If you are reffering to the more solid Backgrounds.....They are in the Style (bsetroot)
sMs 2005-05-01 13:47 thanx so much.. im gonna take a look on those sites.. =)
clovemagic 2005-05-01 11:47 sMs: There are a few .ai files on deviantart under "Resources" I have also found quite a few at the adobe.com site.
spider 2005-05-01 10:35 sup where do i download the background images at?
crowmag 2005-04-30 20:04 sMs: can you import *.svg? if so, that format may be easier to find.
sMs 2005-04-30 16:37 well im looking for draws with format *.ai and not jpeg...
looper 2005-04-30 11:51 sMs, can't help you, but what do you mean by vectors? Paths? I am just now learning Illustrator in class...
looper 2005-04-30 11:49 so that's what i've seen in ser VI's screenshots! Thanks, Pitkon, I will try it out. RedEliTe, I believe it's the file/space on your hard disk that is used as virtual RAM. ;)
qwilk 2005-04-30 09:25 looper: How about link ?