doctorfrog 2005-09-18 12:02 woah. welcome back, half-my-surfing-life!
maaneeack 2005-09-18 09:33 you and me both, NC.
NC-17 2005-09-18 08:41 wow... wow guys. This is touching, nostalgic... and.. I think... *sniff*... hold on I think I'm gonna cry...
Rev 2005-09-18 07:48 My life is now complete .. again.
zapada 2005-09-18 06:26 Amazing gallery! There's so many styles!
Herbalist 2005-09-18 04:01 YEAH!!!!! So Sweet. Thank YOU!!!
captain 2005-09-18 03:58 i'm so glad to see this site back! you have no idea how much i missed this one site. i am now complete... well not quite... until xoblite gets a fluxlike taskbar =\ in other words... i'll never be complete.
cthu1hu 2005-09-17 21:45 oh, and you rule, man
cthu1hu 2005-09-17 21:42 could you please delete my first 'blue gel' submission?
NC-17 2005-09-17 21:13 looks like we've already had a whole screen full submitted today... maybe we could try and extend it over a few days guys? :P hehe... Perhaps I could add a stat showing how many submitted in the past 24hrs... :)