RedEliTe 2005-04-30 02:58 Pitkon: i kinda assumed that... lol... but what does that mean...
sMs 2005-04-29 15:52 i need help... anyone knows a website where i can find and dowbnload vectors for adobe illustrator?
Pitkon 2005-04-29 15:07 RedElite: It's the size of the swap file
looper 2005-04-29 12:12 thanks, inauro. :)
Inauro 2005-04-29 05:59 Looper: this magnifier seems to work quite nicely. It's freeware and has a range of settings for magnification and lens size.
RedEliTe 2005-04-28 23:06 what exactly is swap on bbsysmon?
looper 2005-04-28 14:47 Can anyone recommend a good program for zooming in on parts of the screen, zooming in just a little? I want it for looking at webcomics in a little more detail.
auto 2005-04-27 22:11 Hey Qwilk, get ahold of me on aim.
Herbalist 2005-04-27 19:43 That's Wild.
snkmchnb 2005-04-27 19:14 i think what it is that made it do that is the chatbox parsing code caught the xoblite.net url and parsed that as "link" as part of the end.. not sure what happened to the beginning part of it.