qwilk 2005-09-27 03:19 guest: Well, I've never seen him around here at least, nor is he often on IRC or IM. Email maybe?
clovemagic 2005-09-26 17:11 cthu1hu: where are you? I just got power back about an hour ago. Making ice as we speak.
NC-17 2005-09-26 16:18 actually im still missing a few styles, one from doctorfrog and the most recent of sidewinder's from smartOS->Decepticon. If anyone has these styles please email me.
guest 2005-09-26 15:34 Where is Grishka?
cthu1hu 2005-09-26 11:09 i'm without power and water for possibly a month. someone send me some ice!
Rev 2005-09-25 20:34 Thanks for the comments, gang. I'll try to make sure my next style comes sooner rather than later. ~chuckle~
blockhead 2005-09-25 19:20 NC-17. Coolness. Most excellentt! Thank you.
NC-17 2005-09-25 10:05 looks like with snkmchnb's help we have found good copies of the missing styles, and are uploading now, if in the future any styles are found to be missing (oxymoron) can you please let one of us know, thanks.
Pitkon 2005-09-25 00:58 Xenoguy: It's easy if u use bbstylemaker. If not, edit styles in notepad and use find a replace to change the existing fonts. U can also use bbnote or any other text editor...
blockhead 2005-09-24 17:30 Tres`ni. Ok: thanks for the reply. I lost some of my stuff in a HD messup and am trying to get them from here :)